Basic Rules

FIRST: generate both your own posts and comments on each other's posts. Posts cannot be anonymous. Comments can.

SECOND: experiment with what you say and how you say it, but be sure to respect your fellow classmates.

THIRD: reference your classmates' posts and comments in your own posts and comments. When at all possible, link back to posts.

FOURTH: reference specific portions of the texts we are reading by including the author's last name and page numbers.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Howard Becker's famous "pot piece"

In class on Tuesday, I mentioned Howard Becker's famous piece on how people learn to smoke pot (or whatever one calls it these days). If you are on the Trinity network, you can access this article here. I've also linked it in the right-hand sidebar of this page, along with other articles I have mentioned in class. In this piece, Becker writes:

...being high consists of two elements: the presence of symptoms caused by marihuana use and the recognition of these symptoms and their connection by the user with his use of the drug. It is not enough, that is, that the effects be present; they alone do not automatically provide the experience of being high. The user must be able to point them out to himself and consciously connect them with his having smoke marihauna before he can have this experience (pg 237 - 238).
How might you connect this comment to what we are doing in the class?

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